One Million Community Health Workers

One Million Community Health Workers

Tag Archive: Liberia

Notes from the Field: CHW Community Mapping in Liberia

“For some of us that are far off from the clinic, the [gCHV] can reach us all the way in the bushes to make people stay healthy…You stay right there in the village, the people come to you to give you medicine. They teach us, make us to stay healthy, and make our surroundings clean.” … [ More ]

Notes from the Field: The Community Health Management Information System in Liberia

It is well known that “only what gets measured gets attention”. The availability of information on health services performance can empower Community Health Workers (CHWs) and their supervisors to improve the quality of the community-based health services. Also, there is a need to link the health information generated by CHWs to the facility-based routine health… [ More ]

Notes from the Field: Mapping Community Health Volunteers in Liberia – Findings and Challenges

The Community Health Services Division (CHSD) of Liberia’s Ministry of Health and Social Welfare is tasked with coordinating the development and implementation of all Community Health services policies, strategies, guidelines in Liberia’ public health sector.  In an effort to increase access to health promotion and case management the Division has developed a number of key… [ More ]

Notes from the Field: Bringing Health Services to the Doorstep

Mahawwa, the mother of a one and half year old, noticed that her son who was seriously ill had been passing watery stools for more than four times a day. She decided to take him to the person she believed to be the “medical expert” of the community. The latter prescribed some antibiotics to Chris,… [ More ]