One Million Community Health Workers

One Million Community Health Workers

Tag Archive: Millennium Villages Project

New Campaign to Train One Million Community Health Workers for Sub-Saharan Africa

President Paul Kagame, Novartis CEO Joseph Jimenez and Professor Jeffrey Sachs announce new healthcare initiative targeting rural Africa Jan 24: DAVOS, Switzerland. Across sub-Saharan Africa, community health workers using mobile phones and broadband access to sophisticated medical resources are delivering health care to where it is most needed, among the rural poor. A new campaign… [ More ]

Africa: An Open Skies Lab for Sustainable Development?

Critics of sustainable development projects initiated by Westerners in Africa often raise a question: what happens when those Westerners pull out? The answer lies in an important concept: community ownership. When someone is lifted out of the poverty trap, given the opportunity to access health care and education, encouraged to develop an income-generating business, why… [ More ]

Health care boosted by a special training in Ruhiira

Sounds of laughter intermingled with thumping feet and clapping hands ring across the room as community health workers (CHWs) in Ruhiira perform a traditional Baciga dance. Out of breath and energized, they take their seats in a large room with rows of wooden benches as Alex Kakama, one of the health facilitators, hangs up large… [ More ]

Bagfuls of Care

  The glitzy New York fashion scene and the muddy hills of a poor Ugandan village may seem worlds apart, but a backpack is bringing them closer. Lauren and Doreen walk side by side on a dirt road in Ruhiira, a Millennium Village in the South-East of the country, each carrying the exact same bag… [ More ]

The MVP introduces enhanced mobile technology to reduce child and maternal mortality

  Children and mothers across the Millennium Villages (MV) will benefit from a new health application based on mobile phone technology that will be used at the household level in all sites. The technology was presented to community health teams at a continent-wide workshop held in Nairobi in February 2010. The ChildCount+ application utilizes mobile… [ More ]