Liberian Assistant Minister of Health Tolbert Nyenswah Visits the Campaign

Liberian Assistant Minister of Health Tolbert Nyenswah, who was recently visiting New York City, had the opportunity to meet with Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute and Special Advisor to the Secretary General of the UN for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Professor Sachs and the One Million Community Health Workers Campaign (1mCHW) team were updated on Liberia’s progress toward the Campaign’s goals of broad CHW scale-up and CHW integration into a national primary healthcare framework. The ultimate objective is to achieve the health related MDGs by the 2015 deadline by mobilizing one million CHWs across sub-Saharan Africa.
Liberia is a Global Fund fast-track country and the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to complete the technical roadmap for CHW scale-up. Moreover, Liberia is advancing to the next phase of CHW funding and is already on its way toward mobilizing 10,000 CHWs on the ground. Stay tuned for more information on Liberia and on progress throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.
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