Exploring the Operations Room with the Campaign: Data Exploration Tool

The One Million Community Health Workers (1mCHW) Campaign envisions the Operations Room as a hub for sharing and gathering useful information on community health worker (CHW) services, practices in sub-Saharan Africa, and innovation in the field. Working toward that goal, in Phase 2 of the Operations Room, we added an interactive map where users can access data on CHWs collected via our Operations Room survey in country and district-specific demographic and health indicator datasets. We’ve come a long way from where we started, and we’re continuing to grow.
Direct Relief and ESRI have been working hard with the Campaign to continue developing the Operations Room. We’re very excited about the progress, and would like to share with you our new upcoming features.
Our newest feature is the Data Exploration Tool, which is already live in the Operations Room. The Data Exploration Tool allows users to explore country trends in CHW location and service provision, as well as individual organizations’ program components.

The Data Exploration Tool makes it easy to quickly access data about CHWs in sub-Saharan Africa.
The Data Exploration Tool works like this: by mousing over a country, for example, Kenya, we can see at once a general overview of our data for that country. In Kenya, we’ve counted 16,422 CHWs. At a glance, we can see that 9,910,563 women are of childbearing age, and 6,742,107 children are under age 5.
The toolbar at the right grants us access to even more data. With a mouse click, we can shift between Remuneration and Education statistics.
The Organizations drop-down menu lets us highlight a specific community health worker organization within a country and access a survey of each organization’s CHW services, materials, technology usage, and other detailed information.
The Operations Room even allows users to see organizational data at the sub-national level. Here’s where an interactive map comes in handy. We can zoom into a country and click on specific markers which signify where a CHW organization is located. By clicking around the markers in Kenya, we can see where community health workers are and what they’re doing!
Head over to the Operations Room to see the Data Exploration tool for yourself!
Now that the Operations Room is in Phase 2, the Campaign is gearing up for our next step—Phase 3, our most ambitious endeavor yet. Stay tuned for more Phase 2 updates!
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