Exploring the Operations Room with the Campaign: Organization Comparison Tool

Welcome to Part 3 in our “Exploring the Operations Room” series! Previously, we took a look at the Data Exploration Tool and the Issue Comparison Tool. To close out the series, we are presenting the third tool in our interactive Operations Room: the Organization Comparison Tool. Powered by Esri and developed with Direct Relief, the Organization Comparison Tool is a dashboard that allows users to examine and understand CHW program scales, composition and services across organizations simultaneously.
Community health workers (CHWs) across sub-Saharan Africa deliver life-saving health care services where they are needed most. Often, CHWs are communities’ sole access to the most fundamental aspects of primary health services. Supporting these CHWs are various organizations that equip CHWs with equipment they need to provide the best care for their communities—from life-saving medicines to preventative health information.
Data on CHWs are often sparse, which makes closing all the gaps where communities do not have access to quality health services difficult. The Campaign envisions that the Organization Comparison Tool will serve as invaluable asset to the scale-up of CHWs across sub-Saharan Africa. Knowing where CHWs are located and where CHWs are needed are essential steps towards filling the gaps.
Here’s how the Organization Comparison Tool works:

Navigating to and clicking on map markers reveals information about the organization linked to the map marker.

The right sidebar displays linked survey data about each organization’s number of CHWs, population covered, and average CHW age.

To compare and evaluate multiple organization simultaneously, simply select them in the left toolbar!
The Operations Room is the Campaign’s response to tracking progress on achieving universal health coverage (UHC) across rural sub-Saharan Africa. Click here to explore. We are always continuing to improve our Operations Room tools with the Operations Room Advisory Group. To stay updated on our progress, follow the Campaign’s Facebook and Twitter.
Don’t see your organization? Contribute to the map!
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