One Million Community Health Workers

One Million Community Health Workers

Submitting Data: Operations Room Tutorial #1

So, you’re considering submitting data into our Operations Room (thank you!) but aren’t quite sure how to do that. Well, you’ve come to the right place! Today on our blog we are going to provide our partners with a brief tutorial on how to upload CHW data into the Campaign’s Operations Room.

In case you are unfamiliar, the Operations Room is an interactive online platform for community health worker (CHW) programs in sub-Saharan Africa. It contains data on CHW counts and population coverage, program providers, and (if available), services delivered. The Campaign is working to expand the Operations Room this year to also include more detailed health workforce analytics. The data housed in the Operations Room serves as an advocacy tool for CHW scale-up efforts, assists with coordination among partners in an attempt to build robust CHW information systems. We believe that collecting data about CHWs will increase understanding of CHW demographics and the communities they serve, which will ultimately improve CHW program planning and service delivery.

The Campaign actively works to collect on-the-ground information about CHW operations to ensure rapid sharing of information and to provide our partners with the resources and data required to effectively manage and allocate resources for CHW scale-up initiatives.

 If you have access to programmatic information about public, private, or NGO-operated CHW programs in sub-Saharan Africa, we urge you to complete the online registration form. Click below to submit information regarding CHW programs. Please use a separate registration form per program, per country. The registration form is also available in French.


Register your CHWs here!






The form can also be found on the landing page of the Operations Room dashboard (pictured below). Your data contribution to the Operations Room will enrich the value of the Operations Room map, ultimately supporting health workers to build healthy communities. Thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with your data!


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