One Million Community Health Workers

One Million Community Health Workers

New Campaign to Train One Million Community Health Workers for Sub-Saharan Africa

President Paul Kagame, Novartis CEO Joseph Jimenez and Professor Jeffrey Sachs announce new healthcare initiative targeting rural Africa Jan 24: DAVOS, Switzerland. Across sub-Saharan Africa, community health workers using mobile phones and broadband access to sophisticated medical resources are delivering health care to where it is most needed, among the rural poor. A new campaign… [ More ]

Africa: An Open Skies Lab for Sustainable Development?

Critics of sustainable development projects initiated by Westerners in Africa often raise a question: what happens when those Westerners pull out? The answer lies in an important concept: community ownership. When someone is lifted out of the poverty trap, given the opportunity to access health care and education, encouraged to develop an income-generating business, why… [ More ]

Health care boosted by a special training in Ruhiira

Sounds of laughter intermingled with thumping feet and clapping hands ring across the room as community health workers (CHWs) in Ruhiira perform a traditional Baciga dance. Out of breath and energized, they take their seats in a large room with rows of wooden benches as Alex Kakama, one of the health facilitators, hangs up large… [ More ]

Bagfuls of Care

  The glitzy New York fashion scene and the muddy hills of a poor Ugandan village may seem worlds apart, but a backpack is bringing them closer. Lauren and Doreen walk side by side on a dirt road in Ruhiira, a Millennium Village in the South-East of the country, each carrying the exact same bag… [ More ]

Community Health Worker Training in Dertu, Kenya

  The Community Based Management for Health program, currently being implemented across the Millennium Villages in East and Southern Africa, stopped recently in the pastoralist village of Dertu, Kenya which has 850 households (350 sedentary and 500 migratory). In this difficult, arid area where communities move in search of water and pasture, the role played… [ More ]