One Million Community Health Workers

One Million Community Health Workers

Update from the field: CHWs in Ghana Provide Critical Health Services

Hello everyone, my name is Katy Iglehart and I am the West Africa Portfolio Intern with the 1mCHW Campaign. I spent a month in Accra, Ghana, supporting the Financing Community Health Worker Systems at Scale in sub-Saharan Africa conference, and then spent a few weeks in Kumasi, Ghana, helping conduct a situational analysis with the… [ More ]

Reporting from the field in Ghana: Ms. Sule Kulein, GSK Pulse Volunteer

  Hello everyone! My name is Sule Kulein and I am a GSK PULSE Volunteer from Istanbul, Turkey. I am currently on a 6-month assignment, stationed in Ghana, with the One Million Community Health Workers (1mCHW) Campaign. In this blog series I am going to provide you with information about the Campaign’s work, progress on… [ More ]

The Case for Investing in CHWs

Last week in Addis Ababa, the UN Special Envoy for Financing the Health Millennium Development Goals and for Malaria (MDG Health Envoy) released their report Strengthening Primary Health Care through Community Health Workers: Investment Case and Financing Recommendations. We were incredibly excited to see the launch of this report and the impact that its findings… [ More ]


This blog post originally comes from Living Goods, a non-profit organization out of Uganda, Kenya, and Myanmar working to build a sustainable distribution platform for products designed to fight poverty and disease in the developing world. Read the original article here.   How Living Goods uses smart mobile tools for better health outcomes and real-time data… [ More ]