One Million Community Health Workers

One Million Community Health Workers

World Health Worker Week: Join the Call to Action

It’s World Health Worker Week (WHWW)! WHWW was started two years ago to celebrate and call attention to the inspiring health workers across the globe who make health care a possibility. In addition to recognizing the important work of health workers, including community health workers (CHWs), this week is a time for advocating for human… [ More ]

Notes from the Field: CHW Community Mapping in Liberia

“For some of us that are far off from the clinic, the [gCHV] can reach us all the way in the bushes to make people stay healthy…You stay right there in the village, the people come to you to give you medicine. They teach us, make us to stay healthy, and make our surroundings clean.” … [ More ]

Notes from the Field: Overcoming Challenges in CHW Recruitment

Lwala Community Alliance is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to build the capacity of the people of North Kamagambo, Kenya to improve their own comprehensive well-being. One of the key programs is in community and preventive health. Lwala Community Alliance employs an extensive community health network which uses community members as the drivers and… [ More ]

Simple Solutions for Serious Problems: Community Health Workers’ use of iCCM is discussed at the 2014 iCCM Evidence Review Symposium in Accra, Ghana

This piece was co-authored by Justine Marshall & Cindil Redick This week, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, Save the Children, USAID, and other organizations are hosting a review of evidence in support of the integrated community case management (iCCM) of common childhood illnesses – a strategy to deliver high quality care to children in the… [ More ]

Notes from the Field: Training CHWs in Kenya – Lessons Learned

With the support of the Canadian Red Cross (CRC), the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) is implementing a three-year Maternal Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) project, designed and funded by the CRC, in 11 communities of Central Pokot, West Pokot County. As an auxiliary to the government, the KRCS always works hand in hand with… [ More ]