One Million Community Health Workers

One Million Community Health Workers

MDGs Featured at the United Nations: 1mCHW and the Global Agenda

The United Nations (UN) convened a series of high-level meetings a few weeks ago to discuss global progress toward meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the roadmap for the post-MDG development agenda. The MDGs are a set of eight international objectives established by the UN in 2000 – objectives that all UN member states… [ More ]

World Polio Day and the Role of Community Health Workers

As World Polio Day nears on October 24, 2013, let’s review five facts you may not have known about polio (taken from the WHO website): 1) We are 99.9% of the way to eradicating polio globally: In 1988, the WHO, UNICEF and the Rotary Foundation came together at the World Health Assembly to create the… [ More ]

Global Citizens Festival Highlights Health Workers

“We are global citizens…we’re gonna change the world…” With just a few words, Stevie Wonder captured the essence of the Global Citizen Festival this past Saturday on the Great Lawn of Central Park in New York City. This is the second year of the Global Citizen Festival, a major campaign to secure commitments from citizens,… [ More ]

World Contraception Day

Last year, contraception prevented 188 million unplanned pregnancies. That meant 112 million fewer abortions, 1.1 million fewer newborn deaths, and 150,000 fewer maternal deaths. Although these statistics sound encouraging, we still have a long way to go. Globally, more than 41% of the 208 million pregnancies that occur each year are unplanned. Many of these… [ More ]

Join the Count Towards One Million!

Make your project part of the count towards one million! Join the One Million Community Health Workers (1mCHW) Campaign to show your support for the rapid deployment of one million Community Health Workers (CHWs) in sub-Saharan Africa by 2015. The aim of the 1mCHW Campaign is the expansion of CHW programs in sub-Saharan African countries, scaling… [ More ]