The Community Based Management for Health program, currently being implemented across the Millennium Villages in East and Southern Africa, stopped recently in the pastoralist village of Dertu, Kenya which has 850 households (350 sedentary and 500 migratory). In this difficult, arid area where communities move in search of water and pasture, the role played… [ More ]
On December 1 of every year Tanzanians join other people in the world to mark World AIDS Day. Apart from speeches, testimonies, as well as voluntary counseling and testing, vitamin A supplementation and de-worming for children under the age of five are normally part of the events organized nation-wide. This is a national campaign… [ More ]
Children and mothers across the Millennium Villages (MV) will benefit from a new health application based on mobile phone technology that will be used at the household level in all sites. The technology was presented to community health teams at a continent-wide workshop held in Nairobi in February 2010. The ChildCount+ application utilizes mobile… [ More ]
After a few days in the bustling and construction booming city of Addis Ababa, I felt ready to head north, albeit with a few nerves, to the MVP offices located in Hawzien in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. This was not my first rodeo, right after finishing my undergraduate studies, I had lived and… [ More ]
The Millennium Villages Project was honored to have Senegal’s Minister for Health, the Hon. Awa Marie Coll-Seck open its annual meeting today in Dakar, Senegal. Minister Coll-Seck, a renowned leader in the fight against AIDS and malaria and former Director of the Roll Back Malaria partnership opened by heralding her country’s partnership with the project… [ More ]