Happy World Health Worker Week! This week on our blog we are pleased to share a post authored by Andrew Schroeder, Director of Research and Analysis at Direct Relief. This post highlights A Day in the Life: Snapshots from 24 Hours in the Lives of Community Health Workers, a story map developed by the Campaign, Direct Relief, and Esri, to… [ More ]
Welcome to Part 3 in our “Exploring the Operations Room” series! Previously, we took a look at the Data Exploration Tool and the Issue Comparison Tool. To close out the series, we are presenting the third tool in our interactive Operations Room: the Organization Comparison Tool. Powered by Esri and developed with Direct Relief, the Organization… [ More ]
Happy New Year! The Campaign was delighted to close out 2014 with a memorable visit from four delegates of the Ghana Ministry of Health (MOH) and Ghana Health Service (GHS) who serve as members of the Ghana CHW Program Technical Advisory Group (TAG). We were thrilled to host the Deputy Director of Human Resources of the… [ More ]
The One Million Community Health Workers (1mCHW) Campaign is happy to introduce its next expansion of our Operations Room Phase 2 launch—the Issue Comparison Tool. Like the Data Explorations Tool, the Issue Comparison Tool features a compelling and functionally accessible map. New features, such as the drop-down menus, enable users to select an indicator of interest… [ More ]
Happy UHC Day! Universal health coverage (UHC) is a concept that has been discussed within the global public health community since the signing of the Alma Ata agreement, and has gained popularity in the past 10 years. The idea that everyone should have access to a health worker is not a novel one and is… [ More ]