This piece was co-authored by Justine Marshall & Cindil Redick This week, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, Save the Children, USAID, and other organizations are hosting a review of evidence in support of the integrated community case management (iCCM) of common childhood illnesses – a strategy to deliver high quality care to children in the… [ More ]
With the support of the Canadian Red Cross (CRC), the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) is implementing a three-year Maternal Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) project, designed and funded by the CRC, in 11 communities of Central Pokot, West Pokot County. As an auxiliary to the government, the KRCS always works hand in hand with… [ More ]
HealthRight International is a global health and human rights organization working to build lasting access to health for excluded communities. HealthRight began working in the North Rift Valley of Kenya in 2005. HealthRight works closely with communities and establishes local partnerships to deliver health services, while providing training and equipment to improve systems and enable our… [ More ]
It is well known that “only what gets measured gets attention”. The availability of information on health services performance can empower Community Health Workers (CHWs) and their supervisors to improve the quality of the community-based health services. Also, there is a need to link the health information generated by CHWs to the facility-based routine health… [ More ]
The Community Health Services Division (CHSD) of Liberia’s Ministry of Health and Social Welfare is tasked with coordinating the development and implementation of all Community Health services policies, strategies, guidelines in Liberia’ public health sector. In an effort to increase access to health promotion and case management the Division has developed a number of key… [ More ]