As the new Government works out a formula for delivering on the campaign pledge regarding provision of health care, experts say that deployment of community health workers holds the key to extending health care delivery and improving health outcomes. They say there is good evidence that when implemented well, community based health programs reduce infant… [ More ]
On a beautiful day in February I was able to speak with Community Health Workers in the Sauri Millennium Village Project in Kenya. A CHW lives in his or her community and understands the nuances of the region and the people who live there. In many ways, he or she serves as a cultural translator… [ More ]
Feb 28, NEW YORK: A report by Dr. Henry Perry and Rose Zulliger of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health estimates that using community health workers (CHWs) to provide health services to families can significantly improve health outcomes and potentially save the lives of 3.6 million children per year. These important findings support… [ More ]
In March 2008, I stood as one of more than a thousand people in a crowded conference hall north of Kampala, Uganda attending the first global forum for human resources for health. I was surrounded by nurses, community health workers, public health practitioners, doctors and pharmacists from all over the continent. On a distant stage… [ More ]
As part of a visit to the Millennium Village of Sauri, Kenya to assess the status of the local health system, our group’s first stop was the Marenyo Health Centre where we were greeted by the clinic director, staff members from the Kenyan Ministry of Health, and Community Health Workers (CHWs). At this particular clinic,… [ More ]